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Orang yang suka berkata jujur akan mendapatkan 3 hal, yaitu : KEPERCAYAN, CINTA dan RASA HORMAT (Sayidina Ali bin Abi Thalib)

The History of Ubud Painting from Bali


Ubud is a city inside Gianyar region in Bali. This place has known as one of balinese art come from. You can find any kind of balinese art in Ubud, such as music, dance, sculpture or carved object, traditional life, palace, temple, monument and also Bali Painting.
The last art mention is ubud painting, has been become an important part of bali painting history. It begins from the Hindu-Javanese Majapahit Kingdom which expanded into Bali in the 13th Century. Before 1920 balinese painting era, the balinese painted it for religious and sacred painting that usually put in a palace or temple. They called it as Traditional Kamasan Style.
The Traditional Kamasan Style use for calendars and wayang kulit or shadow puppets made from leather. The balinese paint an epic classical stories Hindu-Animist scriptures, such as Mahabarata, Ramayana and etc. The story is painted in some painting to tell the stories serialy. It makes a long painting on the wall. Somehow it painted on one long canvas.
The name of Kamasan Style is taken from the village where it was created. The material use on the painting is a natural material derived from mineral and vegetables. For example bone, soot from kitchen fires, clay, and stone. The brushes made from bamboo, tree bark, cloth or wood.
The Kamasan Style changes into a modern painting style when some western artists such as Walter Spies and Walter Bonnet visit Bali. And the Ubud Painting style was born. The important changes of balinese painting revolution has begun. The use of modern material, canvas also followed by painting thematic changes.
Before the ubud style born, the theme much more painting religious thing. But in Ubud Painting Style, it started from the western painting village scenes of traditional life such as farming, bathing and market.
Now the Bali Painting has reforming into many painting art, such as abstract painting, aboriginal art painting and other painting style. The ubud painting style still taking an important part of balinese painting history.

·         Region             : daerah
·         Sculpture         : seni pahat/ukir
·         Temple            : kuil
·         Expanded        : memperluas
·         Sacred             : keramat
·         Puppets           : wayang
·         Leather            : kulit
·         Scriptures        : kitap injil
·         Clay                 : tanah liat
·         Scenes             : pemandangan
·         Reforming       : perbaikan
·         Aboriginal       : orang asli
·         Important        : penting

1.      What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
2.      What is Ubud actually?
3.      When did Ubud painting begin to be an important part of Bali painting?
4.      What material do we use for making the Kamasan style?
5.      When did the Kamasan style change into modern painting?

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